🚫 Political ads, sensitive topics, religion
🚫 Online or offline gambling, gaming, or casino-based activities involving real money, prizes, or goods of any value
🚫 Deceptive or harmful financial products or services (Payday loans, cash loans)
🚫 Drugs, alcohol, tobacco
🚫 Fast food (fast food chains)
🚫 Weapons, firearms, explosives, ammunition
🚫 Products of questionable legality ****
Fake documents, counterfeit goods, illegal services and services
🚫 Spam programmes, malware
Hacking, subscriber recruitment, automated traffic generation, automated mailings, phishing, information theft)
🚫 Goods and services 18+
Dating, intimate services, goods and entertainment for adults, any materials of an openly intimate nature.
🚫 Goods related to pregnancy/fertility
⚠️ Medical services, medicines
Licences and certificates for services/drugs are required for promotion
Content (in Telegram-channel, posts, adverts and other placements)