✅ Up to 160 characters

Including spaces and punctuation marks

✅ Text without errors

Use services or in-built in word processing software. Functions for checking grammar and spelling errors.

⚠️ Emoji in text. Consider whether the use is justified. If not, it is better to refuse

Emoji are not completely banned, but they should be used in moderation: they should not be used in large quantities and as 👉 excessive accent👈. We recommend putting no more than one emoji in an advert and not using them to attract attention.

⚠️ Exclamation marks !!! You cannot use exclamation marks in calls to action or several exclamation marks in a row. If you put one, but moderation still rejected the advert, try replacing it with a full stop. The user is likely to respond to your offer anyway if they are interested.

⚠️ Special characters Including "/", "\", " " if you are used to using them for separations. May sometimes be allowed if justified.

🚫 Not enough punctuation marks Punctuation rules are also important to follow when writing texts for Telegram Ads, as well as grammar and spelling rules. Use services or in-built functions in word processing software to check them.

🚫 Link in the text of the advert

It is not allowed to use links (e.g. to a website) in the text of the advert. It is only allowed to mention the advertised channel. Tip: save characters and do not use a link in the format https://t.me/ channel. Links to the channel work without https://, which is as much as 8 characters of the advert.

🚫 Capitalise words and sentences. The exception to this is spelling your brand that is consistently used in advertising.